29 June 2007

Discipleship Program - Year Ones are Invited

Hullo everyone

The 3 month Discipleship Program starts this coming Sunday, 1st July 2007.

Year One youth catechists are invited to attend and journey together with the confirmands.

Please come to the Church Hall at 930am on Sunday. Do dress comfortably and appropriately as we might be sitting on the floor.

Hope to see everyone there! :)

Jac and Roy

21 June 2007

Countdown to Semester 2

There will be no session on the 23rd of June a.k.a this Saturday to give our dear YCs time to prepare for the new school semester.

19 June 2007

Post Island Blues

On the whole, Bonding Day 07 was blessed with fine weather, good food and marvelous company. I shall let the pictures speak for themselves...

Waiting for the day to start proper

Fr Luke pairing off confirmands and facils


Setting up a shelter for our bags

Let the games begin!



Lunch is served :)

Posing for the camera

Say "Gootenstoffle!"

Thanks to all everyone who went for the outing: confirmands, year 1s, year 2s and above and others! It wouldn't have been the same without you! Apologies for not posting photos of you guys in the water... I was in there too and hands were wet. Please nurse those sun burns, for those of you who have them... Cheers and have a safe week ahead! :)

17 June 2007


YO to all who are going for tomorrow's Bonding Day @ Sentosa!

Please report in church at 8.30am and bring spare clothes, water bottle and $10 cash (this includes lunch and entrance fees). Also, girls are to wear dark coloured t-shirts in case you get wet. The day will end at 6pm.


04 June 2007

TRIDUUM and ConCamp 07

This is a note for all YC members to make an effort to come down for the triduum leading up to our church's feast day.

Dates: 13, 14 & 15 June (Wed, Thurs and Fri)
Time: rosary commences at 7pm, followed by worship at 7.30pm and mass after

All of us will be seated at the right side of the church next to the choir. Please wear something formal as this is a grand occasion. Two of our members will be appointed as lecters for mass; attire for lecters: white top and black bottom. You will be notified if you have been selected. :)

On a separate note, thanks to all the year 1s who volunteered to help out with games and parents' nights during the con camp. Your support is greatly appreciated! Kudos also to the year 2s and above, whom together with members from other youth groups, have worked so hard to plan the camp. God will see all that we have done and reward us accordingly.

In the coming week, please pray that all organizers, session presenters, facilitators and logisticians will have the strength, discipline and wisdom to carry out what is necessary. Please also pray for the confirmands and their parents, that the camp will heal any past/present hurts and that it will be an experience that opens new vistas for their faith journey.

Full steam ahead!!!