31 December 2006

Youth Alive at the Piazza

IHMYC had a booth set up together with the other Youth Groups at the Piazza on 30th and 31st Dec 2006.

Ee.him.eeek people went around helping out with ushering as well as bringing others to the booth and explaining what IHMYC is all about. Brochures were given out and registration forms passed to interested youths to sign up.

The ee.him.eeek members twisted ballons into interesting shapes to give out. And we also had a fishing-trivia game where players had to answer questions after getting a number from the fish they fished out. A correct answer meant getting a yummy sweet from the ee.him.eeek basket. mmmm candy...

When the crowd was quite thin during mass, bored ee.him.eeek members were seen dueling each other with multi-coloured ballons, or doing funny things with the ballons which are, ahem, better left unsaid. Seems to be a nice accessory for the belt area.

Quite a number of youths signed up at the booth which is rather encouraging. Hope to see them on Sat.

Master got me working...

Die evil sith, DIE!

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:18-20

Cool "fish" in the "tank"

Here fishy fishy fishy...

Meanwhile, at the lightsabre factory...

Watching fish can be therapeutic...

some fish escaped...

Luke, I am your father...

30 December 2006

Youth Alive


Be at the Piazza and find out what YM has planned for you!

Saturday :: After sunset mass :: Piazza
Sunday :: After 830am mass till After 11am mass :: Piazza

Just come on down and be counted! Everyone included. :)

29 December 2006

YM Dinner

Just a quick short one before i buzz off to bed.

Thank you Erica/Daniel/Paul and Team for the excellent night! Photos will be up soon!
Fantastic MC-ing Daniel and Tiff!

Till next year! *poof*

24 December 2006

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you and your family, a very blessed Christmas. :)


20 December 2006


Recruitment is open for those who would like to join Youth Cats.
If you are interested, please download the form below, fill it up and email it to [ihmyouthcat@gmail.com]

Application form

14 December 2006

Mooovie Night Thingie [In as little words as possible]

Opening prayer.
Snack and drinks.
Getting comfortable.
Lights off.
Fierce creatures appears.
Movie end.
Lights on.
Clearing up.
Lights off.
Story time.
Closing prayer.
Home sweet home.

Next stop: FMM visit. click here for info

13 December 2006

Rain, rain, go away

... and it did!

It was a fantastic day at East Coast Park. Praise and worship, dog and bone, ultimate frisbee, a delicious lunch [Thank you Brendan], a fashion show and to end it all - DODGEBALL WATERBOMBS and a dip in the sea!

Vote for your favourite guy. Email us and stand to win a mystery prize! [HURRY!]

Contestant M1

Contestant M2

Contestant M3

Contestant M4

Contestant M5

Contestant M6


Picture perfect


Finally, it was time to go home. They packed their bags, cleaned up the place and left the beach - tired but happy.

12 December 2006

Franciscan Pilgrimage

Date [Thursday] 21 Dec
Time Meet in church at 930am

10am – 1045am
FMM [Kovan Rd] Intro to Franciscan Family
1115am – 12pm
OFM (Bt. Batok] Lives of Sts Francis & Clare.
Charism of the OFM.
1215pm – 1pm
FMM [Holland Rd] Charism of the FMMs.
Prayer, Adoration and visit to work of the nuns.
1pm – 3pm
Botanic Gardens - Lunch & Fellowship

One-way transport provided from church to various locations. No transport back to church. :)
Con Camp Facils: Please inform your group members and confirm attendance with Jocelyn by Sunday. Thanks.
Email [joce_sly@hotmail.com]

East Coast - Here we come!

Hello everyone!

Here's your friendly blogmaster with new updates on the East Coast date!

Date Wednesday, 13 December 2006
Time 930am - 530pm (thereabouts)
Meeting point Church bell tower
Bring Extra clothing,water, EZlink card, money and your sense of fun
Lunch Will be provided
Dress Comfortably [T-shirt shorts]

Please email jocelyn [joce_sly@hotmail.com] or inform your facil to confirm attendance.
So what are you waiting for? Come down and join in the fun!

09 December 2006

Of food and friends (Makan/Info Night Thingie)

The current YC members gathered at 5pm in Mother Mary's Room. Introductions were made and the Ex-Co, headed by Juliana, presented to them more about IHMYC and the works, the dos and don'ts and also some interesting stuff which probably are better off unsaid. (i.e. Roy's special talents ;) ) The YCs also shared the experiences they had in their classrooms.

Forward to the end of the meeting, Justin and a few others went off to prepare the makan and drinks.

The first signs of Sec 3 confirmants appeared at about 645pm. More people joined us after the 615 mass and by 730, the room was pretty packed with new confirmants, post con youths and the youth cats.

Finally, the eating started! Everyone tucked into the delicious beehoon and chicken wings, with orange squash to wash it down. As there was a lot of bee hoon available, Justin generously piled up the empty plates as soon as some of the girls had finished theirs. Everyone mingled and there was much laughter.

After eating, Gregory and Justin started to get a little hyper, playing sword fights with each other and a game of wacko ensued. Popular targets were Justin, Roy, Natasha, Wilmer, Clement, Eugene, Gregory.....

The game ended when the catechists finished their meeting and came down to join them. Standing by the door, they ambushed Aunty Angela, Erica and Jac and "attacked" them as they entered the room. Father Brian came down as well, but no one dared to whack a priest. :) Aunty Angela being the last one to get hit by the stick, had to be the "whacker". Being such a good sport, she joined in the games even though the food was calling out to her. At this point, the other catechists started walking towards the food and everyone else started playing games, doing forfeits, running around madly, laughing hysterically. The atmosphere was indeed charged!

Alas, all good things must come to an end. Everyone pitched in to clean up the place and the night ended with a one-word prayer, thanking God for all the wonderful things that he has given us - good food, good friends and a wonderful evening.

Next stop: MOOOVIE NIGHT THINGIE! 16 December, 7pm, Prayer Hall A/B! Till then, have a wonderful week ahead!

+ INCRIMINATING PHOTOS [of how much everyone enjoyed themselves] +

07 December 2006

Makan / Info Night Thingie

Calling all who want to find out more about IHM Youth Catechist (also known as ee-him-eeek) or are interested in joining us.

Come down for our Makan / Info Night Thingie.

Date: 9th December
Time: 7pm
Venue: Mother Mary's Room

Please Email: ihmyouthcat@gmail.com.
[If you are unable to attend this session but interested in joining/finding out more, feel free to contact us as well!]


NOTE Current Youth Catechists: Please be here by at 5pm. Thanks!
[Contact person: Juliana/Erica]

04 December 2006


The photos are out! Remember to download what you want. Photos will be available till June 2007 only!

What's wrong with the picture?