24 March 2010

2009 Sec 2 Camp


Haha, hope you all had an awesome March Camp!
I did :D
Selected exciting photos to summarise our experience to be up soon I hope!

Anyways we need to collect numbers for this year's sec two camp.
It's a great and rare opportunity for you guys to get some camp experience,
Especially in facilitating.
The main problem is that it's right before the MT O's,
So most of the puppies probably can't make it.
For the chicklets in JC,
Your H1 MYEs will/should be on the last two days of school,
So it'll be awesome if you like jump into camp right after exams are over :D

Camp itself will be 28-30 May,
Exactly on the Vesak Day weekend at the start of June hols.

Camp prep, which is just as important as camp,
And is also COMPULSORY,
Is on 8th May.
We will only accept exceptional reasons to exempt you from camp prep.

So if you can make it for both camp and the camp prep,
Please do let Rac or Joy know,
Or just sms the YC hotline at 84884857 (:

Deadline Friday 4pm!
Please don't cross it,
Pretty please!

One more thing!
This Saturday, no session,
Instead as a community we will be attending the Stations of the Cross Experience.
(Organised jointly by TOL and LOW4C)
Meet at 8pm in the Church Hall!

Okay, see you all this Saturday then!
