31 December 2006

Youth Alive at the Piazza

IHMYC had a booth set up together with the other Youth Groups at the Piazza on 30th and 31st Dec 2006.

Ee.him.eeek people went around helping out with ushering as well as bringing others to the booth and explaining what IHMYC is all about. Brochures were given out and registration forms passed to interested youths to sign up.

The ee.him.eeek members twisted ballons into interesting shapes to give out. And we also had a fishing-trivia game where players had to answer questions after getting a number from the fish they fished out. A correct answer meant getting a yummy sweet from the ee.him.eeek basket. mmmm candy...

When the crowd was quite thin during mass, bored ee.him.eeek members were seen dueling each other with multi-coloured ballons, or doing funny things with the ballons which are, ahem, better left unsaid. Seems to be a nice accessory for the belt area.

Quite a number of youths signed up at the booth which is rather encouraging. Hope to see them on Sat.

Master got me working...

Die evil sith, DIE!

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:18-20

Cool "fish" in the "tank"

Here fishy fishy fishy...

Meanwhile, at the lightsabre factory...

Watching fish can be therapeutic...

some fish escaped...

Luke, I am your father...

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