04 January 2007

A new year dawns

Well folks, a new year dawns for ee.him.eeek at Prayer Hall A/B at 4pm, Saturday, 6th Jan 2007.

Months of planning, prayer and preparation have gone into ee.him.eeek and we are really looking forward to meeting the new Year Ones! But we really need to stress that joining us is a big commitment. Big. Big like elephant big, many many big. Submarine big. Big like you wouldn't believe it! Big.

Seriously, it is a commitment so big that you'll be eating, sleeping, drinking, thinking, day-dreaming, fantasizing, working, feeling, doing, touching, smelling, tasting, talking, sweating, laughing, crying, and hearing CATECHISM and JESUS for the next 3 years and (hopefully) beyond. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, actually, it is quite cool! Look at us catechists, we're pretty normal...ahem... ok, but you get my drift... But I have to say that catechism is something that will change your life profoundly, it will challenge your physical and emotional stamina, skills, and your brain juice. Before you know it, you'll become one of us... mwahahahahah, resistance is futile!

Ahem, ok, I guess evil laughter isn't appropriate on a catholic blog. But if you think you have what it takes, come this saturday. Just remember (as I have emailed some of you) whatever choice you make, make sure you follow your heart and serve God where you think and feel you can learn how to serve or can offer a special or unique talent. If you want to explore, you are more than welcome to come and observe. BUT you might miss opportunities elsewhere. Our programme, and the programme hosted by post con will move ahead very quickly, so we need you to be firm in your decision.

All of the groups under the Youth Ministry serve God, we're all on the same team, playing for the same coach, against the same enemy, sin. PC, ZJ, RCIY and IHMYC (ee.him.eeek) are different; yet we all pull in the same direction, pray for the same things, we work and sweat together, play and laugh together. We're building the Kingdom of God and you know what? It is soo much fun! It is our sincerest hope to anchor you to the parish so that you can get the most positive experience possible; so that you can come journey with us to discover Jesus.

If you haven't signed up yet, please download the form and submit it to ihmyouthcat@gmail.com or bring a hard copy on Saturday. Oh and do let your friends who are interested know, yah? See you there!


Dee dee salutes us as we begin our journey. She loves my keyboard so much; I'm starting to get suspicious... maybe she has a cat blog... hmmm would that be "clog" then? Or a catalog? catlog? webclog?

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