20 January 2007

Servant Leadership 2

The Year 1s were split into various groups, and their facils will be keeping in close contact with them as they journey towards becoming a Catechist.

The session started off with a discussion on last week's lesson and also on the pie-chart, where one divides the time taken for various activities in a day...prayer time is important so it is suggested that one takes about 5 mins here and there to pray...like on the way home while on the bus...can spend a bit of time on reflection and prayer.

Aunty Angela gave the lesson.

To summarise it all, a servant leaders has to be HOLY.

The 4 important traits are:
H - Humility
O - Obedience to our Master(Christ) and his appointed Bishops/priests
L - Loving unconditionally(that means forgiving unconditionally too - aka mercy)
Y - Yearning for Christ(means praying daily and consulting him on all your problems. He will supply the answer when we are "open" to Him)

IHMYC - In Him lies My Yearning - Christ

Everyone was given 3 scenarios for role-play...each skit is to be about 3 mins long...Groups 1 & 2 do scenario 1, 3 & 4 to do scenario 2 and 5 & 6 to do scenario 3. Skits to be performed the following week.

Jac and Roy talked about the various methods of teaching and teaching styles(lecture, discussion, group discussion). Also talked about how to get the kids attention, as well as dealing with students talking and disrupting the class.

After that, the Year 1s chose which project(sec 1 games day, sec 2 camp, lenten project or con camp) they wanted to devote their time and effort to...

The session ended off with Eugene and Clement saying the closing prayer. After which those who were going for mass went off while the others stayed behind to help move chairs in the church hall.

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