The third and final Apologetics forum style session was conducted. As usual, everyone sat around in a circle and questions were asked and answered.
Firstly, announcements were made.
- Looking for survey youth volunteers on Sat, 10th March, 2pm-4pm.
- Archdiocesan Youth Day - 7 Jul 2007 (Saturday)
- Seder Meal on Maundy Thurs Night
- Consent forms
The session started off with a discussion on free will, predestination and fate. What is free will? Some of the definitions posted were freedom of choice, moral and ethical, not forced, and a few other definitions.
Basically we're free to make our own choices, be it good or bad, but of course if we choose to make bad choices, we'll have to face the consequences.
Also, as we get older, there will be tougher choices to make, such as whether you should inform an adult when your confirmants confide in you their problems. You'll have to discern for yourself what's best for the situation and there's no right or wrong decisions sometimes...have to pray about it and ask God to help/guide you.
Roy also talked about it was important to know what you are passionate about and enjoy doing, for your life will be pretty miserable if you have to do stuff you absolutely detest. Everyone in the circle said out what they were passionate about, literature, sciences, music, sports, art, geography and many more. That way, if you combine work with your hobby, you will look forward to going to work.
Next the topic on obligation was brought up. We all have obligations to God, to work, to family, to friends, to ourselves, etc. sometimes we have so many obligations that we end up fitting God into our schedule rather than putting God first in our lives...for when we put God into our lives, things would seem to fall in place better, but we tend to fit God in whenever we feel it's convenient. God should not be crushed into powder and sprinkled where we can squeeze him in. Roy told a story to illustrate it.
Later, days of obligation were discussed and also the difference between Assumption and Ascension. Own juice = Ascension, Godjuice = Assumption.
Evolution was once again brought up. Talked about how species evolve to become better adapted and suited for the environment, about how humans are the most adaptable creatures since they can survive in most every sort of environment there is, deserts, forests, arctic, mountains, seaside, etc. Paul explained to everyone about the tree of life.
Then questions about extraterrestrials were asked, about how there were theories of many other galaxies and planets with intelligent lifeforms as well.
Roy talked about how sometimes it's ok to discuss about less relevant stuff if it interests the confirmants, since it's more important to teach the child and not the lesson plan. If somethings interest the kids, go along with it. For example, for the lesson on reconciliation, you can also talk about counseling and psychology.
As some of the Year 1s had to leave for mass, the session had to be closed and the closing prayer was said...those who wanted to ask more questions stayed behind a while longer.
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