"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. Will the naughtiest person in this room volunteer to say the opening prayer, please?" asked a very cheeky Roy. What followed was a long, awkward moment of silence with occasional sniggers and embarrassed smiles. Weird looks were also surreptitiously exchanged as everyone tried to keep their faces hidden... Roy finally broke the silence by admitting he was the naughtiest person and said the opening prayer.
Shortly after, those who submitted their SOP were assigned to their preferred area of contribution. Most opted to be facils whilst a few others decided to help out in logistics and admin. (Reminder to those who have not submitted your SOP to do so by 27 March Wednesday! Please email them to the youthcat email add at the sidebar of the blog.) It was rather amusing to hear the many names that were mispelled and mispronounced... :)
Minutes later, facils and year1s without prayer bunnies were made to stand in the centre of the circle we formed and choose their prayer bunny(s). We were then given half an hour to read and reflect on Matthew chapters 3 and 4. The main theme of the readings was evanglism portrayed through John the Baptist and Christ himself.
The day ended with everyone playing a modified version of Blow Wind Blow. Those who didn't scramble and find a candle to stand behind in time were left stranded in the centre of the circle; it was then their turn to shout out another condition. Those who found themselves stranded 3 times would have to perform a forfeit. Daniel, Justin, Simeon, Marianne and Amanda (or Atricia??) were the five lucky ones who incurred the Happy/Sad Dance forfeit. When the dance was completed, Roy instructed everyone to arm themselves with a candle and throw them back into the box which he placed in the center of the circle. Red plastic was bouncing off the floor and soaring across the room, hitting some in the most unlikely places and others in the most unfortunate... Our previleged Neenja target of the day: Amos! Who was so lovingly showered with the entire box of candles, courtesy of Roy. :)
Closing prayer was said and most of us left at 6 but came back later for Movie Night! Which was a blast. Yes and Amen to future crazy sessions and movie nights!
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