22 February 2009

Thingys to do

1. Read CCC Chapter/Article 1, Paragraphs 27-67
Very very important. We all want to understand what Fr Luke's referring to.

2. Bring a journal for next session
Very very very important. If you don't understand Fr after you've read Article 1, taking notes will help you to see everything more clearly because you're rephrasing what you hear into sentences that you understand at a glance. This is coming from the one who gave you the session on study habits, so LISTEN!

3. All those who don't have a CCC (Catechism of the Catholic Church), you need to get one. If they need a CCC, inform Andre or e-mail Youth Cat e-mail (if you don't have Andre's contact number) by Tuesday 24 Feb, latest. This book is extremely instrumental to your formation as youth catechists. Really really. So if you don't have one, please tell Andre immediately. If you're worried about not being able to afford it, also do speak to Andre and we'll work something out.

Thank you very much. :)

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